Life’s hurdles can surely keep you on your toes. Never knowing what’s the next major event around every corner can sometimes be a little unnerving. Especially when you have been hit with some hard ones for a couple of years… or a decade. Whether it be your family, your finances, or your health, there will always be life instances pressing you to the absolute reaches of what you endure. How we react to these situations largely directs the path we will be on, whether positive or negative. It’s this concept of trying to remain positive when it’s been tough that has not been easy.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not blindly going around trying to make light of, or find positivity in every situation, as that is just as annoying and impossible. I live with someone who has been ill for over 10 years. I can tell you personally it is not helpful. What I am trying to do is stay positive and allow positive things to happen in my life again. It’s been a slow grind back but it feels like progress is finally being made and this journey has been very self reflective. One of the key factors was recognizing what was not working and working towards a scenario where it did. Turning a negative life situation into a positive.
It can be simple but usually it is extremely complex and comes with a world of change. All I can tell you is if how your mindset is now is not working, then why are you still doing the same thing? We all know the Einstein saying by now, and no one is trying to get labelled as insane. Not that difficult to do these days, by the way. Until you start, however, you will never realize it’s a step by step process. Getting to the top of a mountain to see the most amazing view ever doesn’t come in just one step. All of those steps do get you back on track and can get you back to feeling like you are on that positive path again. It will take time and lots of effort to do things you do not want to always do but if it feeds your positivity to have a win.
Seeing this process over a couple of years play out, you realize saying “yes” is a big part of continuing forward. We will always try to make ourselves comfortable and not do the difficult things, but those are the things that push us forward. You are not evolving to your best self if you are not pushing your boundary and trying new things. Continuing to keep pushing for positivity and living a fruitful life has required me to get back to doing more and saying yes.
Keep staying positive, saying yes and pushing up the mountain of life. The hurdles and or steps up the mountain will just keep coming. You just need to stop, take a deep breath and look around a little on your way. Part of the journey is finding some positivity in the journey. Then all of a sudden you will realize you are at the top of your mountain enjoying the view again. Don’t get too comfortable though…according to my elders, there will be just as many hurdles coming down the mountain. At least now you will know how to enjoy the path you are on and how to make it great.